What is it?
EdHeroes Theory of Change
A Theory of Change is a strategic framework that outlines how EdHeroes plans to achieve lasting impact in education. It maps out the steps from the challenges we aim to solve, through the programs and activities we implement, to the positive changes we expect to see in communities. By identifying key actions, outcomes, and long-term goals, our Theory of Change ensures that our efforts are focused, measurable, and aligned with our mission to transform education globally.
Our Mission: to make education better and more accessible for people of all ages.
By partnering with community leaders and organizations, we help kickstart their projects, raise awareness, and broaden their reach. Our goal is to create lasting, meaningful improvements in education. In the long run, we hope to shape a generation of confident, capable, and happy individuals ready to take on the world.
Preview our Theory of Change
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Creating Advocates & Issue Awareness
Help individuals increase awareness of educational issues leading to self-awareness and a change in social norms around the importance of education
Policy Change & Enforcement
Help individuals to demonstrate support for and take meaningful steps towards improved education policies, systems, and funding
Equitable (Access to) Education
Help communities increase capacity to provide free public access to education and the fair institutional policies to insure equal attendance
Key Drivers
Early Education
Improve usage/attendance in early education that builds early literacy and math skills, and enables play & discovery
Priority Outcomes:
Effective Educators (teachers & parents)
Oral Language and Emergent Literacy Gains
Mathematics and Science Knowledge Gains
Improve Social-Emotional Skills
Primary/ Secondary Education
Improve attendance, academic skills/ performance & positive identity
Priority Outcomes:
Effective Educators (teachers & parents)
Attendance & Persistence in School
Improved Academic Skills
Improved Academic Performance
Positive Identity Development
STEM Interest
Education for Career Access
Improve access to career-oriented education to help attain and improve jobs, and build careers
Priority Outcomes:
Improved Job-Specific Skills
Improved General Employability & Soft Skills
Stimulate Entrepreneurship
Improved Job Quality
Lifelong Learning
Enhance literacy and learning that improves access to social and business opportunities throughout one's life
Priority Outcomes:
Mental Wellbeing
Economic Participation
Adult Literacy
At EdHeroes, we believe that education is the most powerful force for human betterment.

We are on a mission to improve access to quality, relevant education around the world through both formal and informal channels that draw on the vital roles of family, friends, and communities in supporting thriving individuals.
Educator, Advocate, and Entrepreneur Network
Foster Innovative Educational Approaches
Best Practice Sharing
Address Local Community Needs
Impact Goal
Secondary Outcomes
Primary Outcomes
Secondary Outcomes
Outcomes Framework
Contact Us
Liechtenstein, Austrasse, 14, Postfach 254, 9495 Triesen
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